Our directory listing website is a platform where businesses can list their products or services to increase their visibility and reach a wider audience.
To submit your business, Go to your Dashboard and firstly purchase any package. After that, simply go to "My Listings" and Click on "Add Listing" button. You will be prompted to fill out a form with your business information and upload relevant images ,videos and add amenities and SEO keywords.
We offer three types of packages Free, Basic and Advanced on our website. The free package lets you list your business name, address, and phone number, while our other two Paid packages offer additional features such as adding more than one listing, showcasing your products in the listing, and higher visibility.
To edit your business information, log in to your account and go to your listing. From there, you can make any necessary changes to your business information and click "Save" to update it.
Claiming ownership of your business is as simple as clicking the "Claim" button on the listing page if it is already listed on our website. Through email or phone verification, you will be requested to confirm your ownership.
Your company listing is expected to show up on our website within 24 to 48 hours after submission. However, please note that our staff personally examines every submission to guarantee accuracy and quality, which could delay the publication of your listing.
Indeed, we provide several advertising and promotional choices for companies wishing to raise their profile on our website. For further details on our advertising choices, kindly get in touch with us.
Either emailing our support email address or completing the contact form on our website will let you get in touch with our customer support staff. We try to answer every question in 24 to 48 hours.